Sunday, October 30, 2011

Chimes Street Journal

Chimes Street Journal IV

A Journal
Plural Possession
Mardi Gras
Mistress of the Meat


“I am possessed”
—John Wieners,
“7/13/59,” The Journal
of John Wieners
707 Joy Street

another long night—
spent in those slack hours
between typing this or that

she slips off into boredom—
oblivion, her eyes sinking
back into her head

burnt-out sockets empty—
writing needs a loverboy
but web of words is gone

A Journal

“a scene of its own”
—John Wieners,
“7/13/59,” The Journal
of John Wieners
707 Joy Street

her head & mind—
run-down so that even
thought needs recharging

but sometimes queerly—
on its own for its own sake
gay words catapult back

images have lives—
of their own demeanor
they lurk, they smirk

Plural Possession

“I speak in plural”
—John Wieners,
“7/13/59,” The Journal
of John Wieners
707 Joy Street

so there’s more—
than just one hand or one
voice or one image

it speaks pluralities—
lip-synching what’s getting
ménage-a-trois done

his legs & arms—
old as alabaster, eyes
ancient as the nile

Mardi Gras

“a belly full of goodies
for the Bayou King.”
—John Wieners,
“7/17/59,” The Journal
of John Wieners
707 Joy Street

what else can poets do—
other than write poems
old words, new tempos

the dope addicts—
sell their asses on the street
politicians play ponzi games

she becomes who—
she's in bed with, down to

the last crummy little squirt

Mistress of Meat

“We awake to
chaos & desire”
—John Wieners,
“7/17/59,” The Journal
of John Wieners
707 Joy Street

it chokes her throat—
puts tears in her eyes
but it’s all she can do

her mind works—
the way a poem reveals
itself unashamedly

she doesn't write—
the dark room writies
it's always been that way

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